CSJ Foundation

May 2024

Whitestone Insight interviewed 2,082 UK adults online between 12th-14th April 2024 on the state of the UK’s charity sector. Download the full results here.

Data were weighted to be representative of all UK adults. Whitestone Insight is a member of the British Polling Council and abides by its rules.

Survey Highlights

  • 76% of UK adults agree that small, local charities, understand local communities better than larger organisations such as government or larger, national charities

  • 79% of UK adults agree that small, local charities seem to be often overlooked and under-resourced

  • Only 20% of UK adults agree that they trust national charities more than smaller charities. 52% disagree and 28% don’t know

  • 53% of UK adults do not give to charity regularly.10% give to large national charities, 12% to small, local charities, and 18% to a mixture

  • 74% of UK adults are concerned that too much of the money donated to charities is spent on administration costs rather than service delivery

  • 58% of UK adults tend to think that giving to a local charity, rather than a larger national charity, means your donation will go further. 24% answered ‘Don’t know’

  • 50% of UK adults say they give money to charities where they can see the impact they have on their local community

  • 29% of UK adults say they are giving to charity more than they ever have done before

Read the full results here